Comet A1 Leonard

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C /. A1 Leonard, the first comet discovered by mankind in the year of., has recently become better. According to predictions, it will become the brightest comet of the year, and is expected to reach a level visible to the naked eye next month. Of course, don't expect to compare to last year's new intelligent comet, at best, a little comet that is visible in a binoscope.
Comet Leonard is a long-period comet, previously orbital period of about years. On December, it will fly Venus, most recently only kilometers. On January, next year, it will pass through the close point of this return. Later, it will move further along a double-curved orbit, likely never to return near the Sun again.
This is sometimes the same in life, don't know how many people or things will be seen after first sight?
November,,,,,, Newton reflector + QHY268M Black and White Refrigeration Camera + Ulong 2 LRGB Filter + Eton CEM120 Equator, focal length 1000 mm, f / 4, refrigeration-15°C, 55 Zhang * seconds, accumulates exposure to minutes.

Copyright: Steed Yu




Himalayan Chandra Telescope