IC 5068

When Nature makes watercolor painting, IC 5068, an emission nebula in Cygnus.A rare look at  IC 5068 in the constellation Cygnus. This often over looked nebula’s closest neighbors are the North American and Pelican nebulae. With banded wisps of dark…

When Nature makes watercolor painting, IC 5068, an emission nebula in Cygnus.

A rare look at IC 5068 in the constellation Cygnus. This often over looked nebula’s closest neighbors are the North American and Pelican nebulae. With banded wisps of dark dust falling across this cloud of ionized hydrogen makes this a very interesting target to capture.

Technical card :
Takahashi FSQ85 + Corrector
QHY 163m
Filters Astrodon Ha, OIII, SII 5nm
Guiding QHY5LII-m
HA : 62 x 300 s
OIII : 58 x 300 s
SII : 39 x 300 s
Total : 13h15

Copyright: Nicolas KIZILIAN

Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.


NGC 2170


Large Magellanic Cloud