Bode 's Galaxy M81


Messier 81 (also known as NGC 3031 or Bode's Galaxy) is a grand design spiral galaxy about 12 million light-years away, with a diameter of 90,000 light years, about half the size of the Milky Way, in the constellation Ursa Major. Due to its proximity to Earth, large size, and active galactic nucleus (which harbors a 70 million M☉[5] supermassive black hole), Messier 81 has been studied extensively by professional astronomers. The galaxy's large size and relatively high brightness also makes it a popular target for amateur astronomers.

Taken on 300mm/F4 Newton in Ventouox , France
Total exposure 15.4 Hours in Ha LRGB :
128 Light subs @180s gain zero and -20°C,
72 Halpha subs @300s gain 139 and -20°C and
20 R, G and B subs @180s gain zero and -20°C
Finally, one of my favorite galaxies, M81 is a real challenge, so famous and not easy to process.

It’s core is very bright, and delicate dust lanes seem to evaporate around the nucleus. Some nice HII nodules can be also be enhanced with an Ha layer.

Copyright: Arnaud Peel

Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.

M100 and Surrounding Area


Phases of Venus