C/2017 K2 (PANSTARRS) meets Messier 10

Image Description and Details : Comet C/2017 K2 (PANSTARRS) passing the globular cluster Messier 10 in constellation of ophiuchus. Distance at time of recording was 270 Mio. km from earth. I captured the image from my Garden at Schwabach (Bavaria), Germany at Bortle 5 Class. Equipment: Telescope: Skywatcher 150/750 PDS Mount: Skywatcher EQ5-Pro Camera: QHY163C (Gain 120, Offset 50, -15°C) Guiding: ZWO ASI 120 MC-S, PHD2 Recordingsoftware: N.I.N.A Exposure: 60 x 60s Lights Total exposure time: 1 Hous 50 Darks, 30 Flats, 30 Darkflats Stacking: Astropixelprocessor Image Editing: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom

Copyright: Michael Kraus


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