Sunspot AR3576

Sunspot AR3576

Image Title: Sunspot AR3576 in High Resolution

Copyright: Eduardo Schaberger Poupeau

Date image was taken: February 07, 2024

Location: Rafaela - Argentina

Image Description and Details: The sunspot AR3576 continues its journey across the solar disk, and today I wanted to try capturing it in high resolution despite the extreme heatwave sweeping through my country. With temperatures over 40 degrees Celsius and a heat index close to 50, it seemed like a good opportunity to test a new Newtonian telescope with its primary mirror de-aluminized, specially designed for solar photography and built in my city. The view was fantastic despite the turbulence. AR3576 appeared as a large archipelago containing a multitude of dark cores. What caught my attention the most, without a doubt, was the light bridge crossing the core of the largest sunspot.

Equipment Details: Telescope: Newton DIY 10" de-aluminized
Camera: Player One Apollo-M - Powermate 4X -Baader Solar Continuum filter

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NGC 1491 and PN Ou1