Saturn with Tethys and Enceladus

Image Description and Details : 13 x 90 sec IR and RGB video captures of Saturn (~ 1 hr) were made under very good seeing conditions.
The narrowing of the rings since last year is very clear, so it is pleasing to see a hint of the Encke Division. The Southern Hemisphere is more active than the north, as it receiving more sunlight than before and a particularly large system is evident in the STrZ to the p side of the Central Meridian. The colours of this region that have emerged as the planet's tilt allows a better view are astonishing and beautiful. I have not altered these in any way, save for a balancing of the histograms.
The moons Tehtys (left) and Enceladus (right) were close to the planet and some time later Tethys and its shadow transitted the southern Hemisphere of the planet.
OTA: C14 EdgeHD
Camera: Player One Saturn-M SQR
Mount: PME II
Filters: Chroma RGB
Barlow: Tele Vue 2X

Copyright: Copyright: Niall MacNeill


Cosmic monster CG4 and surrounding

