
Image Description and Details : The image shows the four supermoons of 2022, from May-August 2022. Their apparent sizes are almost similar with the July supermoon being the largest among them. The images were taken with the same camera and lens (at 600mm) and from the same location. Each individual lunar image is a stack of 200 images. The centre moon is a collage of all the four supermoons of the year. Images were processed via PiPP, Autostakkert and Photoshop. The details of each supermoon are annotated on the image.
Gear: Nikon D5600, SIgma 150-600c

Copyright: Soumyadeep Mukherjee


NGC 6914 - Reflection Nebula in Cygnus


NGC 6888 - The Crescent Nebula in SHO