RCW 60


Image Description and Details :

RCW 60 is a rarely imaged nebula. Part of the Lambda Centaurus nebula complex (centered around RCW 62). This is actually 2 distinct nebulae at different distances: Gum 39 and Gum 40. RCW 60 is located around 13000 light years from Earth.
Imaged in Narrow Band Hubble Palette SHO on our Officina Stellare RiDK 400 telescope at El Sauce (Obstech) in the Atacama Desert in Chile.

Ha, OIII, S2 13 hours each, 1200s exp. RGB stars 20x60s exp each channel.

Copyright Information: Mike Selby
Image Processing: Mike Selby
System controlled by Voyager from Leonardo Orazi
Chile Team: Mike Selby , Stefan Schmidt, Leo Orazi, John Kasianowicz, Scott Johnson, Josh Balsam, Rick Stevenson


The Dolphin's head nebula - SH2-308

