Elephant's Trunk Nebula in SHO with RGB stars - IC 1396A

Image Title: Elephant's Trunk Nebula in SHO with RGB stars - IC 1396A

Copyright: Copyright: AstroDarkTeam

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Date image was taken: November 23, 2023

Location: Pascal Gouraud & Stephane ROLLAND remote set-up hosted by AstroARO South Portugal, Alentejo

Image Description and Details: The Elephant’s Trunk Nebula is a dense region of dust and gas found within the considerably larger star forming region IC 1396 in Cepheus constellation. Designated IC 1396A, the elongated globule of dust and gas was named the Elephant’s Trunk because it resembles an elephant’s head and trunk at visible wavelengths, appearing as a dark patch with a bright winding rim. It is located at a distance of 2,400 light years from Earth.
Technical details :
Integration : 57h30’
SII: 60*900”(15h) + HA: 81*900s (20h15’) + OIII: 73*900s (18h15’) +Red: 40*120”(1h 20’) + Green: 40*120”(1h 20’) + Blue: 40*120”(1h 20’)
Pixinsight and Photoshop processing.

Equipment Details: TOA telescope 130 mm diameter, 1000 mm focal length, field flattener, focuser/rotator Moonlite Nightcrawler 35, ASI2600MM monochrome camera cooled to -10 degrees, ZWO filter wheel with filters, 36mm Chroma 3nm LRGBSHO
EQ8-R mount, ZWO autoguiding optical splitter with ASI290MM camera
NINA software with advanced and automated sequencer, PHD2 autoguiding

Name: Stephane ROLLAND

Email: astrodarkteam@gmail.com

Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.


Christmas Tree


IC 1871