IC-405 Flaming Star Nebula

IC-405 Flaming star

Image Title: IC-405 Flaming Star Nebula

Copyright: Shane Shaw:

Date image was taken: December 31, 2023

Location: Brighton, Colorado

Image Description and Details: This is an image of the Flaming Star Nebula taken in my backyard in Brighton, Colorado. The data was collected over multiple nights in December, 2023. This image consists of equal parts Ha, SII, & OIII with 5 minute exposures and equal parts LRGB with 30 second exposures. It came up with a total of 36 hours of SHO data and 3 hours of LRGB data.

Equipment Details: Telescope: Sky Watcher Quattro 150P
Camera: ZWO ASI2600MM Pro
Filters: Chroma LRGB
Ha 5nm, SII 5 nm, OIII 3nm
Mount: Sky Watcher EQ6R-Pro
Computer: Primaluce Labs Eagle 4S

Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.


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